Shipping Policy

We Will Ship Worldwide!


Delivery Time

  • You can wait up to 2-5business days for your order to be processed, for handmade orders, please wait 5-8 business days for the production time, we will ship as soon as the production is completed.
  • Once your order has shipped, you will receive a tracking number to track your package!


Free shipping on orders over $39.99 (excluding MENA and special countries and regions)

  • MENA and special countries* including Bahrain, Jordan, Kuwait, Oman, Philippines, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Yemen, Greece
  • In rare cases, international shipping to certain countries can take up to 3-5 weeks. Even longer for some slow shipping countries such as Brazil, Mexico, India and most South American and African countries. We are not responsible for any delays caused by the customs clearance process in the destination country/region.
  • For orders less than $39.99, we will charge a $9.99 courier fee.

Tracking Your Order

Once you place an order with us, you will receive an order confirmation email with all the details of your purchase and order number. After your order is processed and fulfilled, a shipment notification email will be sent with a tracking number and a link to track the journey of your package. After receiving the initial shipment notification, it can take up to 1-2 business days for your tracking number to start moving. If you have a problem with the tracking number you receive after 1-2 business days, please contact us via email for further assistance.

Wrong Address Disclaimer

It is the buyer's responsibility to ensure that the correct shipping address is entered, if you need to change the shipping address after you have placed your order, please contact us immediately at and we will do our best to make the change before shipping. Please note that we will not be able to change the address for you once it has been shipped!